Dyslexic Young Writers workshops


Hello everyone,

I was fortunate enough to watch the preview of the movie ‘Confetti’ with the National Dyslexia Association members two days ago.

It starkly reminded me, not just of my own, immigration journey but first and foremost of the fact that my experiences as a young person with dyslexia are not that different from the experience of both my, now teenage, children. 

Although dyslexia has become more mainstream and educational institutions along with Speech and language therapists are aware of it and are even actively working with people with dyslexia, it still remains more a fight than it is a right.

A fight for the right to have a differently wired brain, a fight for acknowledgment of what is different but at the same time amazing, with often an ability to reach far beyond the remit of the Neurotypical.

Just like MeiMei we should not listen to those that don’t know, because they have nothing to offer us and aren’t yet equipped to work with our abilities once we have learned what comes easier to neuro-typicals than it comes to us.  Indeed, as the mother in the movie states so pungently, “Who wants to be normal, anyway.”

For myself, MeiMei, and many other dyslexic people, this otherness of expression comes in the form of storytelling, be it through drawing, writing, singing, music, or digital media,…. The list is inexhaustible.

Our Dyslexic Young Writers workshops will start up again this November for the first time since COVID. I am looking forward to renewing this journey and assisting the next group of Young Writers in honing their worthwhile pursuit of getting their stories out and contributing to raising awareness and to the Progress needed to move this world in the direction of a better-informed and more inclusive place. (in accordance with NDA * guidelines.)

Young Dyslexic Writers (14-18) November 2022 Workshops

Hello everyone, My name is Dominique Berton. I am a Dyslexic Writer and mum of two Neurodivergent teenagers. I started these workshops about 10 years ago when I was facilitating small groups. In daily life, I am an Independent SEN Advocate and active member of both the Wiltshire and the National Dyslexia Association and a NaNoWriMo young writer’s coach. I’m also a firm supporter of getting our stories out. As a form of personal therapy, as an outlet for our creativity or to connect with others. I am very excited to start the workshops up again for the first time since the start of COVID, with a new group of young writers, and assist them in finishing the first draft of a novel, work on short stories, Flash Fiction or poetry.
Thursday evenings
3 November 2022
10 November 2022
17 November 2022
24 November 2022
29 November 2022 (Tuesday)
(Joint workshop with Salisbury Pride Young Writers)


£100 for 5 sessions Refreshments included. –

Free for low income families

Venue: Wiltshire College & University Centre

Please advise us of any dietary requirements I am running the workshops at a maximum of 20 participants/workshop (The exception being the last workshop where we will accommodate 40 participants and will have extra help) Physical copy of workbook £30 Online version will be provided free of charge.

Contact INFO@SEN-SUPPORT.UK Ref: Young Writers Workshops Tel: 07909046946 (We don’t want young writers to miss out on this opportunity because of financial reasons so if this is not a manageable amount, please contact us and so we can discuss possible alternative arrangements.) (Full Advanced CRB Check and up to date Safeguarding Certificate)

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