Young LGBTQ+ Writers (14-18)

November 2022 Workshops

Young LGBTQ+ Writers (14-18) November 2022 Workshops

Hello everyone, My name is Dominique Berton. I am a Neuro-Divergent Writer and mum of two Neurodivergent teenagers, of which the youngest is trans. I started these workshops about 10 years ago when I was facilitating small groups. In daily life, I am an Independent SEN Advocate, active member/outreach facilitator for Salisbury Pride and a NaNoWriMo young writer’s coach. I’m a firm believer in sharing our stories as a form of personal therapy, as a creative outlet or as a tool to connect with other people. I am very excited to start these workshops up again for the first time since the start of COVID with a new group of young writers and assist them in finishing the first draft of a novel, short stories, Flash Fiction or poetry.

Tuesday evenings
1 November 2022
8 November 2022
15 November 2022
22 November 2022
29 November 2022
(Joint workshop with Young Dyslexic Writers)


£100 for 5 sessions Refreshments included.

Free for low income families

Venue: Wiltshire College & University Centre

Please advise us of any dietary requirements I am running the workshops at a maximum of 20 participants/workshop (The exception being the last workshop, where we will accommodate 40 participants and will have extra help) Physical copy of workbook £30 Online version will be provided free of charge.

Contact Dominique Berton Ref: Young LGBTQ+ Writers Workshops Tel: 07909046946 (We don’t want young writers to miss out on this opportunity because of financial reasons so if this is not a manageable amount, please contact so we can discuss possible alternative arrangements.) 50% of all net profits will be donated in support of Salisbury Pride. (Full Advanced CRB check and up to date Safeguarding Certificate available on request)

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